Carrie Zaruba “Woman on a Mission”

Back a few years ago, a Baltimore native just finished school at Philadelphia’s finest, The University of the Arts.  From there she decided to move to Nashville with a desire to play country music with the big boys and girls. She had her parents’ blessing and was well educated in various genres, such as jazz and classical music. She also teamed up with one of the best producers in Nashville, Kent Wells. She was spotlighted in CMA’s “Debut Artist Spotlight.” She is what she is, a woman on a mission. Her new song that was just released is appropriately called, “Woman On A Mission.” No doubt, this very good singer, Carrie Zaruba, is on her way to the top.

She wrote this fast moving track while working in a dress shop. It has all the attributes of a hit single. It also has a great message, especially for the women of the world, and the singer has got the pipes to belt out this well done melody. I think she has covered all the bases very well.

However, “Woman On A Mission” is not a piece just for women.  It says so much more and speaks to everyone, male and female, young and old.  This song has something for everyone.  While listening to the track, I thought for a moment she was going to quote the Bible.  Many will know what I am talking about. I love what she says in  the lyrics “I’m alive and a kickin, and I’m tearin down the road so fast…doesn’t matter what I did in the past. Here I am, get out of my way I’m a woman on a mission.”  This is good stuff for anyone who has ever considered or gone through with giving up on their dreams. Basically, she is saying, “put the past in the past, and push forward.”  Or as some might say, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” The second quote did not come out of the Bible.

Seriously, this is a great song with a great voice. Watching her in one of her interviews, she noted that she was a big fan of Reba McEntire.  This is a song that Reba could easily cover if she wanted.

This lady has all the makings of a major player. She interviews well, she has good stage presence, and she is well trained with a few hard knots to her good. I almost fell out of my chair when she commented something was “gnarly.” I love one interview she did where she seemed to have a “valley girl” type of speech.  For anyone who has no clue what a “valley girl” is, it was probably before your time.  Google it.

One final note I have to say again, Carrie Zaruba is on a mission. She may be a new and “up and coming artist”, but her life so far seems to reflect her music. I love one quote saying “ So, that is my Mantra, every word is what I believe, and when I need reminding, I play it for myself”. Very well said.

This is Carrie Zaruba.

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